

Over the last 10 years, we have raised more than $2 million in scholarships through our Nation Changers Annual Fund and our Children’s Tuition Fund scholarship program. We want to eliminate financial barriers for devout Christian families who want to partner with us in their child’s educational journey.
There are two ways to help us fund student scholarships for devoted Christian families: giving to our Nation Changers Annual Fund, which enables our school to offer scholarships directly for qualifying families, and through The CTF Fund (more fully known as the Association of Christian Schools International Children’s Tuition Fund), which allows donors to turn their tax bill into a scholarship. Both programs help us remove financial barriers many families face in accessing a Christian K-12 education.
The CTF fund provides financial assistance to children of qualifying families to attend an ACSI member school. If you pay more than $500 in Virginia state taxes, you can turn your tax bill into a scholarship to StoneBridge School by giving to the ACSI Children’s Tuition Fund. Find out how to take advantage of this tax savings below.
What is ACSI CTF?
Sponsored and coordinated by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), the Children’s Tuition Fund (CTF) is a scholarship program that provides tuition assistance for families with low to moderate incomes.

Where do the scholarships come from?
The CTF scholarship fund consists of tax credit contributions from Virginia-based corporations, businesses, and individuals.

What is the EITCP legislation?
The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITCP) legislation of 2012 established tax credits for Virginia-based corporations, businesses and individuals that make contributions to approved scholarship organizations. Individual monetary donations must be at least $500 in order to qualify for the tax credit program and a maximum of $125,000 in a taxable year. This limitation does not apply to credits issued to any business entity, including a sole proprietorship.

How can the ACSI CTF benefit StoneBridge?
Eligible families can receive scholarship monies for their students that are enrolled in grades K–12 programs if they are currently enrolled in public education or are just entering kindergarten or first grade. In subsequent years, scholarships may be renewed for students still qualified and receiving funds in previous years as long as they remain enrolled in the member school.

What are the tax savings?
In addition to a 65% tax credit, individuals and businesses can also receive a deduction for a charitable contribution and therefore achieve tax savings in two ways:
  1. For the year of the donation, the donor may take a deduction against net income as a charitable donation on both their federal and state income taxes. The tax reduction equals the contribution amount times the tax rate of the applicable tax (federal or state).
  2. The donor may take a credit against Virginia taxes. Tax reduction equals 65% of the amount of the donation. Credit is non-transferable. Credit may not exceed the tax liability but may be carried over for five succeeding years.

For questions about how you can participate, contact the Advancement team at (757) 488-2214.